Monday, February 2, 2009

Notes From The President and Editor

Dear Friends of The C.G. Jung Society of Vermont,

The February issue sets the content for subsequent issues with pieces in the following categories: Conference Papers, Essays, Clinical Perspectives, Reviews, Reflections, The Arts, News From…, and Notes From the President and Editor. An alphabetically ordered list of these content areas is located to the right of the text in a side bar headed Labels. You’ll notice a number in parentheses after each and this indicates the total number of pieces in this area including pieces from previous issues. The titles of the pieces in the current issue – arranged in the order of appearance – are displayed farther down in the side bar under the heading Blog Archive and past issues of the e-journal can be accessed by month in this area as well. If you'd like to comment on any or all of the pieces in this month's e-journal, scroll down to the end of the piece and click on comments, this will open a message box - write your comment and click submit and within a short time your comment will be available for others to read and comment upon. To access readers' comments, just click the same comments at the end of the piece.

We open with a paper presented at The Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies Conference this past August in Burlington. To quote the presenter, the paper “draws on a host of synchronicities, Jung’s own visions, chaos theory and Native American predictions (both ancient and contemporary), to gain insights into why we are witnessing so many systems in turmoil…. we can use a wealth of trends to explore what is really going on now, and why we have cause for hope.” Surely a timely presentation given all the turmoil in the housing, business, and financial sectors since then and one that may foster a sense of hope in this time of fear and uncertainty for so many.

Under Articles is featured Part 2 of The Reality of Psyche: The Foundation of Analytical Psychology, the first installment having been presented in January’s issue.

Clinical Perspectives features a piece entitled, The Life Unlived: Parent’s Fight for Self and the Profound Effect on Children, which uses Jung’s observation that “if there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves” to explore a root cause of suffering for many of the adults who seek help in psychotherapy.

Following this we begin our transition from the factual to the symbolic realm with a review of The Moon: Myth and Image, “a most comprehensive, thoroughly scholarly 400 page tome” on all things “moon” as suggested by the reviewer; a reflection entitled A Fragrance of Roses; and a poem entitled Sacred Suffering.

In this mix is included Notes From The President and Editor and in each issue of the e-journal we will endeavor to use this “note” to highlight the issue’s content as well as draw attention to current or future society events. Regarding this, we’ve made some changes and additions to the website we’d like you to know about:

1) Luanne Sberna is the new Membership Coordinator and her contact information is now listed in this position on the website.

2) We’ve added a page for the Lending Library and, although it is “under construction” and so the tape library is not presently on loan, we hope to have it in place for members’ use sometime in the near future. Due to the natural fragility of the cassette tapes and the expense and cumbersome nature of using the postal services for tape borrowing and returns, our tape librarian, Cynthia Hennard, is investigating converting the tapes to electronic format so that tapes can be borrowed electronically. We’ll keep you posted!

3) The Calendar of Events and Society Offerings Page has two listings for this winter-spring, a course taught through The Jungian Center, Waterbury, entitled The Path of Individuation and a lecture on Psyche and Wilderness: Journeying into the Depths to be held at Burlington College. Please refer to the Calendar of Events page on our website for more information on these events. We will be adding to our offerings so please keep checking-in there and also here for updated information on society events.

Also in this mix of e-journal content offerings is the News From…. section which features information of interest in and outside the society. This issue, for example, features news about The Jung Book Group, facilitated by one of our board members and open to members and non-members alike. Please take note as well of the upcoming lectures being offered this winter-spring by our neighbor society across the border, The C.G. Jung Society of Montreal. You can find their web link on our Resources page.

We hope you enjoy the selection of offerings in this February’s e-journal. Beat the cold by staying inside with good company, the e-journal Jung in Vermont, as your afternoon companion. Keep in mind that we’d love to hear from you; if you are a writer at heart and have the heart to share your love of Jung and all things Jungian, become a member and submit your work for publication. The society and the e-journal will stay vibrant because of your support! Please go to the Calendar of Events & Society Offerings page for information on submission criteria.

I’m available by phone or email if you’d like to learn more about the society: (802) 860-4921 or

With best regards,

Stephanie Buck

P.S. This edition of Jung in Vermont will be “jumping the gun” regarding changes and additions to the society website since Eva, our web master, is getting the work order today as I post this. Please be patient and check back at the website for the updated material later this week.

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